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June 28, 2011

Two for One!

I am excited for the wonderful weekend ahead of me!  
I get a two for one on this weekend!  
My son is getting married and then we get to celebrate the 4th of July!
27 years ago I couldn't have
imagined where we'd be now- from
his first steps, college and now these
steps down the aisle!
It's going to be a great day!
We couldn't be happier for the
two of them and are looking
forward to this great day!
 This is a picture from the place the
reception will take place..
 There any many options on how to
decorate it- It's absolutely huge!
 Of course if you know me, you know I am 
enthused about the grounds and all
the beautiful shrubs and flowers they
have to enjoy.  They'll probably have
to sound a horn to get me back inside
and stop touring the grounds!
The cool thing about this place is it's loaded
with photo opportunities

So this will be what I am
doing on Saturday....
Then we celebrate the 4th of July and
our country's independence!
You're a grand old flag,
You're a high flying flag
And forever in peace may you wave.
You're the emblem of
The land I love.
The home of the free and the brave.

Ev'ry heart beats true
'neath the Red, White and Blue,
Where there's never a boast or brag.
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
Keep your eye on the grand old flag.
 Have a joyous holiday weekend I know I will!

June 26, 2011

Fairy Gardening

Welcome to my fairy garden! 
 I've named it
 Stoney Hollow...
 Come and take a tour with me!
Stoney Hollow is aptly named since stones 
seem to show up all the time!  The center of 
 Stoney Hollow has a rather large rock
that seems to be where this fairy
community began!
To the far corner we have the 
fairy meeting center, where each
night they gather, have their dinner
and make decisions about what jobs 
need to be taken care of!
You are welcome to visit  and
have a bowl of Fairy Dust Soup
with them! 
(It tingles in your mouth and 
warms your belly!)
These fairies not only take care of the
stones and place them all around-
they also tend to the flowers and plants!
This fine fairy loves to take care of the
flowers and put them in pots.  She
loves to share them with the others, so 
they can have them in their homes!
  This little guy is taking a rest today....
there has been so much rain lately
he doesn't have to water the plants.
 These fairies have been doing a lot of  
landscaping this year and added some 
new fencing!
They've even added a new bird bath!
 She's in charge of the pond, she keeps
it clean and feeds the fish!
 This fairy keeps an eye out for rabbits! 
They've been having some problems with 
them eating their plants and flowers!
 The fairies would like you to join them in
a cup of tea!
She's all ready for you!
 After you have some tea you are welcome
to come around and see
where the fairies live!
 This door leads you to their homes
inside the giant maple tree.
 Sorry no pictures can be taken inside
as this is a magical place and you
can only enter with special
 She's in charge of sweeping off
all the stones!
Thank-you for visiting us at Stoney Hollow
and we hope you will come back soon!
I'm linking  up with 
The Little Round Table's-  Link Party

June 22, 2011

Enough rain Thank-you!

Everything is wet....I'm anxious to get outside
and trim some shrubs and see the sun 
shine again! It's been raining 3 days straight
and they say more is coming!
These Violas seeded themselves into the 
pathway...I call them volunteers!

The plants are heavy with water...
a puddle sits in this leaf....
I have been waiting for these red peonies
to bloom...it's been raining so much
they are all laying with their faces down
I hope to see the sun tomorrow so I can
get a nice picture of these!
The Endless Summer Hydrangeas are full of
flower heads...It will be quite a show
when they start to bloom
The mulch is soggy like a bog right now,
on this side of the path is a group of
Limelight Hydrangeas I planted last year.
Below them are some Elijah Blue Fescue that
are being dwarfed by the hydrangeas. I
should probably move them...they like sun!
This is early evening and I tried to get off
some shots, but it's so dull and dark already
I didn't get very great pictures.
This is one of my favorite Hostas called
Great Expectations
It's very large and has very thick heavy leaves.
(Don't forget you can click on the picture to enlarge)
This was my favorite shot this evening...a
flower  coming up under the leaves
of the hosta....
Up around the corner is this group of
hostas... this picture didn't do it justice.
I'm pleased with how they are filling in.
 A shot of the "island" as I like to call it-
I have 4 hostas on the left called
 "Remember Me" that I would like to pop out
and move. I don't know why I planted them
in a tight row.  As you can see the Japanese
Forest Grass (Hakone) has taken off this
year.  It was dragging it's feet for two years
after I split it up and spread it out.  I gave
everything a shot of an organic fertilizer
this year and I think it's working!
Just to the right a closer shot with the fountain
It was getting dark quickly...I like how the
wet stones look so old world...

Have you been getting a lot of rain?
We have had more than our share lately!
I hope this weekend will dry up and we
can see the sun again!

June 19, 2011

Peonies and Bling

 I'm a little obsessed with the Peonies at this point!
Of course it's not hard to love them!
 I brought one in that still had more opening to do and put it in with some Lilacs and Violas
 This smelled really good!
 Didn't last long though!
 This is where my peonies are...out front on my island in front of the house.  We live near a busy road so we put this island in many years ago to help cut down some noise and joined it with the big blue spruce tree that was growing there.
 There are some red ones behind these pinks that will be blooming soon.  
The purple Salvia is blooming real nice and the Hardy Geraniums too!
 On the other side of the island is this a John Franklin Shrub Rose that is just starting to bloom.  So far the rose chafer's haven't gotten to it yet.  They can munch this plant and destroy it in a couple of days.  They seem to come on when it gets hottest.  We've been having some rather comfortable weather so everything is still safe!
 This is a metal plant stand holder that I have a metal oval shaped bucket hanging from with annuals planted in it.  Asparagus Fern and New Guinea Impatiens
 I added some bling to it! See the bumble bee!  Found these at Cracker Barrel!  They are for indoors but I've adopted them to the outside!
 This is my other plant stand with more bling! This one has Swedish Ivy and Begonias (I didn't realize it matched my Hostas so much!)
See the Dragonfly! More bling!

I hope your gardens are growing well too!

I'm joining
for This Week in My Garden 


Welcome to Home and Gardening With Liz. I have combined my previous blogs “Infuse With Liz” and “Sit With Me In My Garden” into this new blog. I love interior decorating and gardening. I enjoy redefining interior spaces by moving things around and reusing decorative items already found in the home. I also enjoy creating tablescapes and an occasional crafting project. I'm so pleased you've stopped by. I invite you to follow me and I do hope you will keep coming back! Liz
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