Well as the spring rolls on the hostas are popping out of the ground. There are still many more to show up yet! I've outlined the hill with coral impatiens and on the other side I'm trying out wax begonias.
The sweet woodruff is blooming and looks so pretty!
A planter mixed with a spike, Diamond Delight (euphorbia), Impatiens and Creeping Jenny
This is a row of June hostas. It's a good performer. The sweet woodruff has jumped the border line. I'll be removing some as this is supposed to be a path to the backyard.
This hosta is called Hump Back Whale. I planted it in September of last year. It's coming up nicely and is going to be a giant one. We had some hail that damaged some of my hosta leaves.
This miniature crested iris is always a delight. They've hidden themselves among the sweet woodruff.
Early morning shots show the hosta are actively growing.
The Jack Frost Brunnera are blooming very nicely right now. They continue to grow as the season goes along.
I captured this the day before. It's a double primrose! Isn't it fancy!!
I dug out a hydrangea shrub that basically never produced flowers and replaced it with a new floribunda rose called Cherry Parfait.