I was clearing off all the Halloween deco and while figuring out what I was going to do it suddenly struck me to make a wine bar. Our kids are coming this weekend and they appreciate wine so I decided to expand on that idea.
Down below in this cabinet is a wine rack so I just selected some and brought them up above. I staged some wine glasses, cork screw, wine coaster, candles and a turkey!
My white roses from my last tablescape are still holding on.
They've held up beautifully!
I placed wreath above the sconces which was a first for me. I like how this looks!
I had a little Thankful sign I added too! We're having our Thanksgiving early since the kids are visiting.
I brought in the lanterns from my Fall and Halloween display outdoors.
I placed a small turkey on the candlestick.
Over by the front door I created a couple of vignettes. I've had this MacKenzie Childs turkey for several years and decided to incorporate it into this setting.
This is a maintenance free dog!
I decided to add fall deco to this chest of drawers and keep the blue pieces in place.
I snuck in a small Pilgrim turkey!
I had bought this to go on a wreath but this year I decided I would add it to this mirror and I like it!
A small vignette on the dining table. I continued my usage of the sunflowers and pumpkins but added my pheasants and Pilgrims.
I'm a traditionalist and love to celebrate the seasons as they come! I hope you enjoyed my Thanksgiving presentation!
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