I'm jumping a bit ahead and decorating for spring already! We are having such a mild winter up north here in Michigan. Temps are higher than normal around the 40ยบ mark during the day, and not a whole lot of snow! I can tell the days are getting longer already so that makes me happy!
I got some daffodils from Michael's which I thought looked pretty realistic!
The runner was from Hobby Lobby a couple of years ago.
The MacKenzie Childs (MC) lantern and candle are new since Christmas and I love the MC cow. The creamy white pitcher I picked up long ago and has cows on it too.
These are MC planters I got on sale and the bunny was a find many years ago.
Some more MC on the lower shelf.
And lastely some indoor gardening. My Amaryllis are still blooming.
The flowers began the end of December and I've gotten at least 2 shoots off of each bulb so I'm having a 2nd time around with them! Charley our 10 mos. old Siamese likes to inspect!
And these were also quite beautiful, called Magical Touch
The yellow green one is called Yellow Star
That's my update for now!