Last week I shared that I was celebrating my 60th Birthday
Well as it turns out when we headed downstate to have dinner and see the family my husband had been up to making behind the scene birthday party arrangements!
We arrived at the restaurant and I walked into a very unexpected surprise birthday party! Some cousins, sisters, my kids and grandson were all there!
After I got done welling up with emotions I took a few pictures.
Our son, wife and grandson came in from Pennsylvania which was the biggest surprise!
Our grandson made the rounds- he was intrigued with Uncle John's hairy beard!
The food was wonderful- steak, seafood, pasta- all delicious!
After we ate we went to my Mom's house. My sister Jen and daughter Chelsea had helped Dan set some of this up. The cake came from a local bakery and was a creation based on flower pot idea I had shared with Jen a while back.
The top was loaded with flowers over 3" deep and the cake was a delicious lemon flavored cake with lemon mousse.
My 94 year old mom and our 6 month old grandson!
My sister's and I ages 60 to 74!
We always take some kind of group photo.
The next morning I went through mom's linen drawer and decided to put a blue theme table together. I couldn't find the Easter deco so this was the best I could come up with. I would liked to have filled the glass handled candy dish with faux Easter eggs and added some candy to the little crystal candy dish.
I found this starched hat that was laying in the extra bedroom and propped it up as though it was an Easter bonnet!
We drove home on Saturday and the kids stayed through Tuesday morning. They brought this new seat that you strap to a chair which worked out great.
I forgot to take a picture before we ate but we had delicious steaks grilled outside, mashed potatoes and a big salad. We shared a bottle of wine too! That tablecloth is from Pottery Barn this year. It washed up afterwards beautifully!
Joey has learned to boost himself up and roll over. He has cut one tooth and a 2nd is nearly through. He wants something to chew on all the time. He's handling it pretty well.
Getting him relaxed for bed.
I love this face!
These are some flowers that were on the coffee table at my Mom's that my daughter brought. I left a half dozen at Mom's and took the rest.
Well that's a wrap of my 60th Birthday party and weekend!