I don’t know what happened to November! It’s as though it sailed away in a brisk storm. It’s a little bleak now but with the leaves gone now I can see more open sky and some beautiful sunrises. I am reminded to look up more often as I was at the kitchen table tap tap tapping on my iPad and looked up to see this fantastic sky.
We had a great Thanksgiving Day- enjoyed good food and being with each other. It’s a precious time since our visits with the kids are limited as we live a long ways apart. Angela brought a homemade squash soup and it was delicious!
This is Dan’s rocker from his childhood in the early 1950’s. Over 30 years ago when our son was a baby he stripped and stained it for the kids to use. Unfortunately the old finish wasn’t safe with it’s peeling paint though it was sweet in it’s original light blue paint with little decals.
And the circle of life continues. Dan posing next to our grandson at the same chair some 65 years later 😊
One of Ryan’s friends that also grew up here was in town and brought his three sons. We had a good time and my living room became a romper room! This was a first for all of them to be together.
We had just put out some garland and wreaths to get ready for the kids to visit. So far the outside is the only thing that has any Christmas decorating.
A few weeks ago we stopped at Bronner’s Christmas Wonderland in Frankenmuth, Michigan. I’ll have to show another picture later on in the December once we have some accumulated snow! Right now all we have are oak leaves that are falling from the sky. I’m in no hurry for snow though as I’m enjoying this warmer weather we’ve been having.
I also found the red sleds there.
These cute aluminum ornaments came from Ace Hardware.
I found these ornaments at Target. They’re plastic with a plastic wrapped design on them- I thought they were the perfect design for this tree.
A dusting of snow one evening. Everything is covered and put away in storage as we prepare for the inevitable snowy winter that we get here.
Our cats were glad to have their bed back on the sofa and snuggled up again. Having company is work! They hid most of the time. 🙀