This post is heavy on pictures...
The copper planter behind the water fountain had some beautiful begonias growing but they don't like being overly wet either and look bad. I cut away parts of the plant that looked the worst hoping for a recovery.
I'm starting to see signs of the hostas dwindling with browning on the edges of the leaves.
Last night's rain washed the delicate petals of the flowers to the ground.
These impatiens are overgrown and getting floppy.
The ground sedum are sprawled all around here (most of this is "Coral Carpet" sedum). It's such a carefree plant. The only issues I have with it are when weeds pop up in it- it can be challenging to pluck them out!
The Stonecrop sedum (Abbeydore) are flowering which is always a sign of late summer here.
Hydrangeas are the highlight around the area at this time.
This Cityline Paris hydrangea has the best compact shape but I guess do to late frosts I seem to only get flowers low on the sides. I need a big dome to put over it in the spring to protect it!
I just love the flower - a nice rich deep pink with little white star like centers.
I spotted this little tree toad on a different day but thought I'd include it. He sure blends in!
The grasses are topped out and the flowers are fading.
This Cotton Candy phlox has been fantastic during the past month. The smell was amazing. When it started flowering we could smell it from the kitchen. I highly recommend it- it has the most enjoyable scent of any I've come across.
The plants filled in nicely and have covered up some of the stone pathways.
This little miss has become cradled in some new shelf mushroom growth. The chipmunks run through and knock things over all the time. I didn't realize that the little archway there had been knocked down.
I have a corkscrew plant growing nearby and it wrapped itself around this fairy on the ladder- what a neat surprise!
New growth beaded with water on the edges- almost looks like frost!
This limelight hydrangea is an attention grabber. It can be seen at a distance as we return home.
As you can see the fog was thick!
My favorite shot! It looks like something in the New England States area.
I'll be joining the following parties:
Dishing It & Digging It